Monday, June 20, 2011

5 thoughts for Monday

1. I am 16 weeks pregnant and according to the baby center website the baby is about the size of an avocado.

2. I love avocados!

3. I lost Zackary at the library today and found him outside wandering into the road. I am so grateful to have found him safe! I brought him straight home and locked him in the house.

4. I am trying to decide between baking the "Baked" brownie today or making some no-bake cookies. I think both sound delicious, so it is really a question of do I want to turn the oven on or not???

5. Tomorrow is my 28th birthday. I was reflecting this morning on what a wonderful year it has been and all of the blessings I am enjoying right now. I think 28 is going to be pretty awesome.

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