Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Journey: Part 1

We woke up on Saturday morning in Tennessee. We went out to breakfast at Ihop with Ty's parents. After breakfast we finished up the last of the packing and cleaning details, and then we checked out of our apartment! Ty took his parents along with Max and Mia to the airport. My in-laws were flying with the older two to Utah while Ty and I would be driving with Zackary. I was nervous about sending Max and Mia on a plane without me, but I knew they were in good hands. Ty and I pulled out at just before 11. We drove out of Tennessee and into Arkansas. I thought about the Duggars as we drove through Little Rock. We left Arkansas and began driving through Oklahoma. I have never seen so many pick-up trucks before! I wish we could have stopped to see Ree Drummond, but I really have no idea where her 100,000 acre ranch might be in Oklahoma! We stopped for the night and had a rest. Zackary was up at 5 the next morning so we decided to catch an early start. It was nice to watch the sun come up over the horizon as we drove. We stopped in Texas for some hot chocolate and then we were on our way once more. We arrived in New Mexico at about 3 and that is where we made our first stop. We were in New Mexico so that Ty could interview for a position in a town called Clovis. We had already accepted a position in Palm Springs so I was nervous about the idea, but Ty thought it might be a great opportunity. The job may have been a great opportunity, but the town was just not for us and the next day, just after Ty's interview, we ran away as fast as we could! I had a new excitement for our life in Palm Springs and I was anxious to get to the kids in Utah! We stayed the night in a town called Gallup, New Mexico and were on the road again early the next day. I was so glad to reach our final day of driving! We drove out of New Mexico (hurray!) and into Colorado. Colorado lead to Utah. We drove through Moab, and Ty and I decided that we should retire there when we are old and I can drive around in a Wrangler. We made it to Payson and the Newman Ranch at about two. I ran inside to hug Max and Mia. I was so glad to see them! Zackary was thrilled to see his siblings again. He laughed and hugged Max. We were so relieved to be done driving for a while. I made cookies with the kids. We haven't made cookies in a while and we were all feeling deprived. It was happy to be a whole family again. Zackary was glad to have a crib to sleep in after so much time on the road. I got to rock him to sleep and he slept all night! Today I am glad to be waking up in Utah with my family! We are going to get to see my younger brother and visit BYU. I am going to try and not do too much driving, because next week we are California bound! (that will be part 2 of our journey, and part 3 will be the house hunt and eventually moving into our own place! Lots of good things to come!)

Happy Holidays!


Traylor Family said...

Glad you made it safely! Did someone drive your other car? Or did you sell it? Can't wait to see what's ahead for you guys!

Robert and Lisa said...

So no Clovis, huh? I'm shocked :) Palm Springs will love you.